5- The average cost of a house today is equivalent to six years’ average annual salary.
6- The minister was sacked for expressing views that were contrary to those of the government.
7- The majority of female respondents reported spending more on sugary snacks; conversely,the majority of male respondents said they had spent more on savoury snacks.
8- People who do similar work should receive comparablerates of pay.
CD1 Track 26
1- In order to stay healthy it is important to eat a varieddiet.
2- The risk of flying in a light aircraft is comparable to that of sailing in a small boat.
4- There is a remarkable resemblance between this song and one that was recorded thirty years ago.
5- Every student in the class interpreted the essay question differently.
6- The opinions he expresses in his blog are often in complete contrast to those he expresses on television.
7- The lecturer contrasted the last three major economic crises.
CD1 Track 27
Many people today complain of job-related stress. Indeed numerous surveys have shown that most working adults today perceive the workplace to be a more challenging environment than in previous generations.
Although on the surface of it, stressful work and challenging work may appear to be identical,it is important to distinguish between the two terms. Job stress occurs when the demands of a job do not match the worker’s needs, resources or skills. A teacher who is required to teach a subject he or she knows nothing about or is not interested in is likely to experience job stress.Prolonged job stress can result in poor physical or emotional health, or what we call ‘burnout’.
A challenging job is very different in that it encourages the worker to develop skills and resources.Meeting a challenge is rewarding. It is comparable to stretching out to grasp a prize that is nearly within reach. Challenging work can be energizing and contribute to a greater sense of well-being. In fact an appropriate level of challenge is essential for good physical and emotional health.
While we often see some jobs as being inherently stressful or challenging, it is important to remember that these qualities are a function of the match between the worker and the job. Two workers may well have very different experiences of the same job as no two workers are alike.What is a stressful job for one may well be a challenging job for another.