
A Princess Diana dress and other treasures bought for peanuts

Bargain treasures

Every collector dreams of chancing upon a super-valuable object in a thrift store or flea market and paying peanuts for it. From a dress worn by the late Princess Diana to the US Declaration of Independence, we reveal the most incredible bargain buys of all time.

pea‧nut /ˈpiːnʌt/ noun
1. [countable] a pale brown nut in a thin shell which grows under the ground SYN groundnut: a packet of roasted peanuts
2. peanuts informal a very small amount of money: The hotel workers get paid peanuts. I’m tired of working for peanuts.

Work for peanuts
I’m tired of working for peanuts.
I feel like I’m already tired at work tomorrow.

if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys BRITISH
People say if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys to mean that if an employer pays very low wages, they cannot expect to find good staff.

The present pay policy will inevitably have an adverse effect on quality. As Sir Roger put it, `The truth of the matter is that if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.’

Note: Monkeys are thought to like eating peanuts, and `peanuts’ also has the meaning of a very small amount of money.

Reference: MSN

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