
8 – Getting involved

CD1 Track 09

Reader: The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea In a beautiful pea-green boat, They took some honey, and plenty of money, Wrapped up in a five-pound note…

Presenter: Now I wonder, Minister, whether you’d like to say something about the government’s proposals for banking reform.

Minister: Yes, thank-you. As I think we all recognize, the need for change in the banking sector is long overdue.

Commentator: Michalski plays it into the penalty area … to Dembinski. Dembinski out to Bajor…. Bajor beats one man, crosses the ball into the centre …

Presenter: And now we’ll hear Dvorak’s Symphony Number 9 in E Minor ‘From the New World’, Opus 95, popularly known as the New World Symphony.

Man: But darling, I said nothing of the sort!

Woman: You most certainly did! Peter was there! He saw everything…

Man: Surely you’re not going to take Peter’s word for it…

CD1 Track 10

Speaker 1: In my second year I helped set up the university radio station. It used to broadcast everything from campus news to local bands.

Speaker 2: As a secondary school pupil I participated in regional and national debates around the country. It was challenging, and very rewarding.

Speaker 3: I’ve enjoyed concerts ever since I was a child. I used to love watching the conductor – I wanted to be one myself for a time.

Speaker 4: I was editor of the student magazine for a while. People sent in all kinds of articles. I had to choose what to include and then put it all together.

Speaker 5: I used to attend gallery openings all the time. I love contemporary art. Haven’t got much time for it now, unfortunately,

CD1 Track 11

1-affairs 2-assemble 3-broadcast 4-classical 5-establish

6-observe 7-orchestra 8-advise 9-resign

CD1 Track 12

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working or studying?

Well, …I’ve been involved in amateur dramatics for quite a while now. I started out as an actor, taking small parts, but now I’m directing a play. It’s a comedy about university life – written by the students.

Tell me more about what that involves?

Basically, I’m responsible for directing what happens on stage. I have to tell the actors what to do. I have to make sure the sets are all right – and the lighting, things like that.

How did you first get started?

I wasn’t interested in theatre at all, or acting – I was quite a shy person.
But my room-mate had a small part in a play and I used to go along to their rehearsals. One day he was ill and I stood in for him. I loved it.

What else do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

E r … I quite like listening to music. When I’m free in the evening, I like to go out and see local bands. I’m hoping that someday I’ll see a band that becomes really famous.

CD1 Track 13

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working or studying?
Tell me more about what that involves?
How did you first get started?
What else do you enjoy doing in your spare time?


Direct link to the Game

Reference: Collins Vocabulary for IELTS

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