On this page, we focus on Terms, Grammar tips, Etymology Analysis, Proverbs, idioms, Slang, Sayings, Quotes, Patterns, Topics, Articles, Letters, Music and Drama to be used during the week.
peekaboo | Peekaboo! I see you! | Hello sailor | ready, steady, go | angle | triangle | angular | angel |globe | globular | global | demeanor | rude in speech and demeanor | to faze | phase
Descreet vs. Descrete
They are a set of homophones, which means both Descreet and Descrete are pronounce in the same way.
di‧screet /dɪˈskriːt/
ADJECTIVE. Careful or showing good judgment in what one says or does; not too obvious:
He assured her that he would be discreet.
I stood back at a discreet distance.
her descreetness saved us all from embarrassment
di‧screte /dɪˈskriːt/
Also ADJECTIVE. Distinct and seperate or has a clear independent shape or form:
The change happens in a series of discrete steps.
society consists of a mass of discrete and distinct individuals
literally | figuratively
He’s my son, in the figurative sense of the word.
The name of the cheese is Dolcelatte, literally meaning ‘sweet milk’.
take somebody/something literally to believe exactly what someone or something says rather than trying to understand their general meaning: She takes the Bible literally.
to emphasize, especially a large number: The Olympic Games were watched by literally billions of people.
spoken used to emphasize a strong expression or word that is not in its real or original meaning. Some people consider this use to be incorrect: Dad was literally blazing with anger.
to have s.th of one’s own
They have a room of their own.
Proverb | Saying | idiom | Slang
Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
It takes two years to learn to speak and sixty to learn to keep quiet.
Ernest Hemingway
Photo Dictionary
Oxford Photo-Dictionary: Cars and Trucks
Topic | Article
Should one judge a person by external appearances?
185 Questions and Answers: Topic 54, P. 171-172
expresses appreciation for something that was done. Business Letters for busy people, P. 66
The Other Woman – Sherwood Anderson
Never Google Your Symptoms – Henrik Widegren