CD2 Tracks 30
What is the most important festival in your country?
Do you think this festival will still be as important in the future?
Tell me how weddings are celebrated in your country.
What are some forms of traditional dancing in your country?
CD2 Tracks 30
What is the most important festival in your country?
Do you think this festival will still be as important in the future?
Tell me how weddings are celebrated in your country.
What are some forms of traditional dancing in your country?
The only normal way to begin speaking in a new language is to begin speaking badly.
Greg Thomson
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CD2 Tracks 20
1- Back in the 1960s, this was a nice place to live. Everyone knew everyone and people looked out for each other. I’m sorry to say that, since the 60s, the population has risen dramatically and this has led to a breakdown in the community ties that used to unite us. Also, second-home owners buy holiday homes here, and that has meant that the price of property has escalated in recent years, forcing young people to move away from the area.
CD2 Track 11
1- When I hear music from the 70s, it really takes me back. It makes me feel like I’m a teenager again, the memories are so vivid. So many things from that period of my life left a lasting impression on me, like meeting my first girlfriend and sitting my A levels in sweltering heat. It’s still fresh in my mind.
CD1 Track 51
What are your hobbies?
What is your favourite musical instrument?
Do you prefer action films or comedies? Why?
Do you think it is important to read novels and poetry? Why?
What are your hobbies?
There is no one thing I’m fanatical about. I have various interests. I’m a keen cook and love to create new dishes and then invite my friends over to taste them. I love playing cards, especially Uno. Most of my friends are crazy about karaoke and I go with them from time to time but it’s not really my kind of thing.
CD1 Track 38
What do you use the Internet for?
Does everyone have access to the Internet in your country?
Do you think older people are scared of new technology?
Do you think young children should have mobile phones?
What do you use the Internet for?
I mainly use the Internet to read newspapers and news items, mostly about sport. I also use it to do a bit of research on things to do and things to see at the weekends. I do a bit of internet shopping, like booking flights and accommodation for my holidays.
CD1 Track 30
My mother tongue is Hungarian. It is spoken in Hungary and it is a minority language in the surrounding countries, especially Romania. It is not part of the same language family as European languages like English, French, German or Russian. It is a Uralic language, distantly related to Finnish and Estonian. Because Hungarian is not a widely spoken language, if you want to get on, you have to speak a foreign language. Unsurprisingly, the most popular second language among Hungarians is English, the global language. Like most of my friends, I am multilingual- as well as Hungarian, I am fluent in English and German. I can also get by in Italian and I did an evening course in Spanish a few years back, but I’m a bit rusty now. I seem to pick up languages quite easily, helped, I’m sure, by the fact that language teaching in Hungary is so good – it has to be, given that no-one speaks our language but us!
CD1 Track 21
Speaker 1: Where I come from it’s almost always sweltering. Ours is an arid climate, and in most parts of the country precipitation is very low. Can you believe that in the summer, the temperature can exceed 50°C?
CD1 Track 15
My name’s Mubarak and I’m from the United Arab Emirates. My favourite subject at school was Maths. I really loved it, I think primarily because I liked being able to use logic to work out answers, rather than having to speculate and theorise, as you often do in arts subjects.
I went on to study for Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, both in Mechanical Engineering at Leeds University in England. I chose that subject because, although I was more keen on Maths, engineering
is more practical. My decision to study in Britain was motivated by the high prestige of British qualifications back in my home country. The tuition fees are very high for foreign students but my family paid them for me.
CD1 Track 08
It’s by far my favourite sport to watch. I love the excitement that builds up as the match progresses, with the fans cheering and chanting. There’s always an amazing atmosphere.
My team usually loses, it has to be said, although last week they drew. When they play away I always try to go and support them. And I’ve got the latest kit, but they’re getting more and more expensive so I may have to stop buying them. I think the clubs take advantage of fans’ loyalty to push up the prices.